Monday, 13 February 2012

8th February 2012 - early frost/sunny spells SE3

Summary – the morning dawned to a hard frost with the ground frozen underfoot and saw a second visit to the northern edge of the reserve. The first of the nest boxes sponsored by Barrow Golf Club members were installed in suitable locations in the copse behind the 4th and 11th greens with a further two located near the 5th tee. Woodland birds were again to the fore though a Grey Wagtail feeding around the frozen pools on the track provided the highlight of the day. The continued cold weather had seen the Fieldfare flock continue to build with 200 birds found feeding avidly in the field behind the 13th green.

Copse behind 4th and 11th greens

The nest boxes erected were of a variety of styles the open fronted box will hopefully attracted species such as Robin and Spotted Flycatcher while the hole style box is to attract Blue Tit and Great Tit and perhaps other hole nesting species.

Species List
Blackbird 2
Blue Tit 10
Carrion Crow 2
Chaffinch 6
Common Gull 1
Dunnock 1
Fieldfare 200
Great Tit 4
Greenfinch 1
Grey Wagtail 1
Herring Gull 2
Jay 1
Magpie 4
Mistle Thrush 1
Pied Wagtail 1
Robin 1
Starling 2
Wren 1
Woodpigeon 3