Monday, 13 February 2012

5th February 2012 - bright and frosty/calm

Summary – An early afternoon visit in cold but sunny conditions to the northern periphery of the course revealed the presence of an area of natural indigenous woodland. This is the remnants of the southern edge of Sowerby Woods and was preserved to lessen the visual impact from the course when a large area of woodland was bulldozed to make way for the adjacent industrial estate. Consequently this buffer zone holds the oldest trees to be found within the course boundaries and provides suitable habitat for a good selection of traditional woodland species with Long-tailed Tit, Jay and Great Spotted Woodpecker amongst the species seen. A charm of seven Goldfinches fed on recently planted alder and in addition the recent snow and frost had induced some cold weather movement with small numbers of Fieldfare and Mistle Thrush seen in the trees beside the 13th fairway while the field bordering the 14th fairway held 100 Fieldfare.

The indigenous woodland along the northern boundary

Species List
Blackbird 2
Blue Tit 4
Carrion Crow 2
Chaffinch 3
Fieldfare 110
Goldfinch 7
Great Spotted Woodpecker 1
Great Tit 2
Greenfinch 1
Herring Gull 6
Jay 1
Kestrel 1
Long-tailed Tit 6
Magpie 7
Mistle Thrush 3
Oystercatcher 1
Robin 2
Woodpigeon 2
Wren 1