Monday, 9 April 2012

7th April 2012 – overcast NE1

The second early morning transect visit was timed to coincide with light winds and overcast skies and the flora of the course continues to attract attention. Primroses were in evidence around the 8th hole quarry and a clump of Marsh Marigold was in flower amongst the margins of the 9th hole pond. Also seen were two Roe Deer which strolled across the 7th fairway and disappeared into the 8th hole plantation.

Marsh Marigold, Primrose and Roe Deer

A record day total of 37 bird species were logged including five new additions for the year which move the course list on to 56 species. The day began with Jay, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Long-tailed Tit, Chiffchaff and Tree Sparrow all in the strip of woodland behind the 4th and 11th greens. Further highlights involved flyover Grey Heron, Hooded Crow and Cormorant amongst a steady movement of gulls before a pair of Linnet were found prospecting the gorse by the 15th tee. A Skylark continues to sing over the field between the 14th fairway and 17th tee and a second pair of Long-tailed Tits were then in the 8th hole plantation along with a pair of Bullfinch and territorial Goldcrest and Coal Tit. A female Sparrowhawk flew down the 9th fairway where the pond held both Moorhen and a drake Mallard before a further Coal Tit held territory in the pines between the 4th and 5th fairways. Near the clubhouse small flocks of Starling and Rook fed along the 18th fairway and a few House Sparrow were around the car park.

Bullfinch and Linnet

Bird Species List

Blackbird (9)
Blue Tit (8)
Bullfinch (2)
Carrion Crow (6)
Chaffinch (15)
Chiffchaff (1)
Coal Tit (3)
Cormorant (1)
Dunnock (6)
Goldcrest (1)
Goldfinch (5)
Great Spotted Woodpecker (1)
Greenfinch (1)
Great Tit (4)
Grey Heron (1)
Herring Gull (7)
Hooded Crow (1)
House Sparrow (2)
Jackdaw (2)
Jay (1)
Lesser Black-backed Gull (35)
Lesser Redpoll (1)
Linnet (9)
Long-tailed Tit (4)
Magpie (4)
Mallard (1)
Meadow Pipit (7)
Moorhen (1)
Pied Wagtail (8)
Robin (7)
Rook (10)
Skylark (1)
Sparrowhawk (1)
Starling (7)
Tree Sparrow (2)
Woodpigeon (4)
Wren (6)